Hulu Brand

Strategy • Creative Direction • Copywriting • Editorial • Design • Community Management

When Hulu Brand’s Social team brought us on board to help with their social content, we were initially on a trial contract with the option to renew every 3 months. But after growing their Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts, including helping them hit their goal of 1 million Instagram followers last year, we were signed on as their official Agency of Residency with a 2-year contract. This huge win allowed us to staff an entire team for Hulu Brand alone, the first in my company’s history, including designers, motion artists, editors, copywriters and community managers. I oversaw the entire team, along with my producers, and was involved in almost every asset created from ideation to final concept.

Editor: Christina O’Sullivan


Huluween is one of Hulu’s biggest tentpoles of the year. To make 2020 stand out, we decided to team up with Annabel de Vetten to create bespoke, Hulu Original’s-inspired cookies. A static carousel was shared on Instagram and process videos were created for Hulu’s TikTok.

Edit by Barry Sales

Edit by Barry Sales

Pride Month Content

Twitter Pride Bracket

Twitter Pride Bracket

Motion: Seth Garnes

Motion: Seth Garnes

Black Music Month Content


Love Daily


Deck Design